Open Educational Resources (OER) are textbooks, courses, learning objects, videos and other multimedia that are "open" in the sense that they are free to use, adopt and sometimes modify. Many OER are licensed using a Creative Commons license that grants users specific rights for reuse, remixing, and distributing content.
With the rising cost of textbooks and materials and the challenge of ensuring students have materials before courses begin, OER can ensure students get affordable materials in a timely manner.
Below is a list of OER resources. If you have a specific area of content you are looking for, feel free to
contact us and we can help gather options for you.
General Open Educational Resources
OER Commons: A repository of resources and tools for creating your own open resources.
Openstax CNX: A collection of open textbooks and resources (Rice University).
CollegeOpenTextbooks: A list of textbooks by subject with license information provided.
MERLOT: Multimedia Educational Resource for Online Learning and Teaching.
The Orange Grove: State of Florida resource repository.
Affordable Learning Solutions: Open resources organized by discipline (San Jose State)
USG OER for Top 50 Courses: Recommendations for OER based on the University System of Georgia’s most popular courses.
Jorum: A collection of open resources specifically for higher education communities.
SOL*R: A collection of shareable online learning resources.
Public Domain Review: A collection of works available in the public domain.
Creative Commons: Search for media, music, images and more.
Open Courseware
Open Course Library: A collection of complete courses available for download.
OpenCourseWare: A repository of courses and their resources (MIT).
OpenCourseWare: A repository of courses and their resources (Notre Dame).
Academic Earth: A repository of open courses from multiple schools and sites.
Open Learning Initiative: A collection of complete courses (Carnegie Mellon).
Saylor Foundation: A collection of courses and textbooks.
Learning Objects
Wisconsin Online Resource Center: A digital library of learning objects.
Minnesota Online Digital Exchange (MODE): A digital learning object exchange.
YouTube: Videos on any topic imaginable. Can also filter by Creative Commons to edit or remix videos.
iTunesU: Video and audio material from a variety of sources.
Khan Academy: Video lessons on numerous topics.
TED: Videos on a wide range of topics.
TEDEd: Lessons on a wide range of topics with customization available.
MIT Video: Video offerings from MIT, particularly science-related.
PBS Learning Media: Multimedia offerings on numerous topics.
TeacherTube: A collection of educational video resources.
Discipline Specific
Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
SmartHistory: An interactive timeline of Art History by the Khan Academy
History Matters: An annotated website for U.S. history resources (George Mason).
Sage American History: Resources for the teaching of U.S. history.
Mathematics & Science
AMSER: Applied math and science education repository.
iLumina: A digital library of math and science teaching materials.
National Science Digital Library: A repository of learning objects and materials.
STAR Tools: Interactive simulators to teach concepts (MIT).
Virtual Labs: Online simulation of a chemistry lab.
PhET: Interactive simulations for teaching and learning science (University of Colorado, Boulder).
BioInteractive: Resources for science education.
National Association of Biology Teachers: A collection of resources in a variety of biology topics.
Directory of Open Access Journals: An online directory of open access, peer-reviewed jou