
Browser and Navigation Tips

All commonly used browsers may be used to submit the online application. If you experience any technical difficulties, contact Melissa Frazier, Director of Human Resources, at or 864-644-5005.

Do not use your browser's back button and forward buttons.  Use the navigation options at the bottom of each page.



Current mySWU Users/Employees

If you are a current employee of Southern Wesleyan University and/or have a mySWU account, please enter your username (email address) and password (at the top right corner of this screen) and click Login.  This enables you to prepopulate some of the information for your application and to review the status of positions to which you have applied.


Required Document Uploads

At the end of this online application form, you will click on the button to proceed to the document upload screen. This action will save your online application. You will be asked to upload documents based on the specific application for which you are applying. These may include your Cover Letter, CV or Resume, References, and Unofficial Transcripts. You will be given the opportunity to upload additional documents, if needed.  

Do not include characters or punctuation in the name of the document (Yes: JohnSmithResume.pdf; No: Doe, John-resume.pdf).

We accept .doc, .docx and .pdf file types up to the size of 5 MB.

If you receive an error message when you attempt to upload your documents, please send your documents as email attachments to