Q: Can I use the brower's back and forward button?
A: No, please use the navigation buttons provided within the page and other common navigation links within the site. Using the browser's back and forward button will result in page load errors.
Q: Will I receive updates on the hiring status?
A: No, Applicants can check their status related to applied positions by logging in and clicking on a that specific position. If you have been selected for an interview, someone will contact you directly to schedule the interview.
Q: How do I view a list of open positions?
A: The search for positions porlet allows you to filter for specific positions. We recommend that you NOT filter your search but click the “Search Positions” button to display a complete list of open positions.
Q: Is a login required to submit an application?
A: A login is not required to submit an application. However, we encourage current employees and others who have a mySWU account to login prior to completing this application? Logging in will auto populate many of the fields on the application.
Q: Can I request a login to mySWU?
A: No; however, you may request a key code if you need to exit the application before submitting. You will be prompted to enter your email address and the key code will be emailed to you. This code will allow you to re-access your application to complete and submit at a later date.
Q: Is this site mobile friendly?
A: Yes, however some of the features are not yet 100% compatible with all mobile devices. Please view the pages horizontally if using a mobile device with a smaller screen.
Q: Can I upload documents with the application?
A: At the end of the online application form, you will click on the button to proceed to the document upload screen. This action will save your online application. You will be asked to upload your Cover Letter, Resume and References. You will be given the opportunity to upload additional documents, if needed.
The following file naming format is encouraged for all document uploads: last name, first name and type of document you will be submitting (e.g., JohnSmithresume.pdf). Our server is unable to accept files with names that contain extra periods, dashes, parenthesis and other non-alphanumeric characters.
We accept .doc, .docx and .pdf file types up to the size of 5 MB.
If you receive an error message when you attempt to upload your documents, please send your documents as email attachments to Melissa Frazier, Human Resources Coordinator, at mfrazier@swu.edu.