This page lists all the Research Opportunities for Pre-Med Students At Southern Wesleyan.
While SWU does not have a formally organized “Research Experience for Undergraduates”, there are ways for SWU students to get involved in research projects here at SWU each summer. Students who want to get involved in research simply need to talk to their academic advisor to discuss the type of research in which they would like to participate. The academic advisor can then direct the student to a faculty member that has expertise or experience in that area or related areas. A project can be developed in late fall/early spring of the academic year preceding the summer that students would like to complete the project. Funding for such projects is available through the Honors Program (if the student qualifies for the Honors Program…link the Honors program website here) or through a variety of small competitive grants. The South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (SCICU) is a consortium of the private institutions in SC that award grants to undergraduate students at their member institutions (SWU is a member) for up to $3000. Some of that grant money can be used to buy equipment and supplies needed for the project while most of it can be used to pay the student for summer research work hours (at a rate of $8.00/hour). Sigma Xi (link their website here), a research honors society, also offers grants for up to $1000 for undergraduate student research.