
FAQ- Chapel Attendance

Q. How many chapel experiences will I have the opportunity to attend?
  There will be at least 40 chapel experiences per semester.
Q.  How many of those will I be required to attend?
  Traditional students with 12 or more course hours are required to attend 24 chapel experiences.
Q.  If I am a commuter, am I still required to attend chapel?
  If you are a traditional student with 12 or more course hours…..Yes.
Q.  How do I get credit for attendance?
  You must scan in and out using the iattend app to receive credit for attendance.  
Q.  What if I am late?
  If you arrive more than 5 minutes after the event starts you will not receive credit.  You may stay and be a part of the event, but you will not receive credit.  If you feel you have a valid reason for being late, you must tell the person monitoring the attendance before entering.
Q.  What is the process for getting counted present for the event?
  At the end of the event you must scan out.  If you have trouble scanning in or out please see one of the Spiritual Life staff or email
Q.  How can I know how many chapels I’ve attended each semester?
  You can check your attendance on the iattend app.
• Sign in to MySWU
• Click on the “Community” tab
• Click on “Chapel”
• Beside the semester and year – press the ‘continue’ button
You will see your name, the semester year, and the total number of chapels that you have attended.
Below your name and number of chapels, you will see the chapel schedule showing a green check in the box of the chapels you have attended and a red “X” in the box of the chapels that you have not attended.  
Please allow three business days for chapel attendance to be processed and credited. If after three business days you notice a discrepancy in your chapel attendance report, please notify either Chaplain Heath Mullikin(
-- It is good practice to check your chapel report weekly so if there is a discrepancy, we can discuss the chapel event and correct it early. But again, please wait until after three business days have passed before contacting staff.
Q.  How can I satisfy the required number of chapels?
  You can satisfy the 24 required chapels by attending regular chapel services on Mondays & Wednesdays, 10:00am – 10:50am in Newton Hobson Chapel and Fine Arts Center, by attending the Spiritual Emphasis services, and other events approved by the Spiritual Life and Ministry Department.
Q.  What are the consequences for not attending the required number of chapels?
  Students failing to complete the chapel requirement will be placed on social probation which can affect the ability to play varsity sports, live in the apartments, and other consequences.
Q.  Who do I contact for more information?
  Heath Mullikin, the University Chaplain, will be happy to assist you further.  You can make an appointment to see him by visiting the Spiritual Life and Ministry Offices (located in the Newton Hobson Chapel and Fine Arts Center) or emailing